Email for booking enquiries, or learn more about the Shift Collective team and how we can help design a virtual or in-person convening, Hi-res images to the left, short bio below, and long bio page here.
Short Bio:
Based in New Orleans, Jon is a senior strategist and co-founder of Shift Collective, a non-profit consulting and design group that helps organizations better engage, collaborate with, and reflect their local communities. He also coordinates the Historypin project, where more than 4,000 cultural heritage organizations are working to strengthen communities through intergenerational and intercultural storytelling and local history.
Jon co-founded the International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives & Museum Summit in 2011 to help build an open ecosystem of historical data across libraries, archives, and museums worldwide. In 2016, he co-founded the Cultural Heritage and Social Change Summit to bring together cultural heritage professionals to address issues of cultural equity in our collective narrative of history.